How I Created My Debut Novel

How I Created My Debut Novel

The Story of the Novel Those in the know say Write about what you know. This could be my parents’ love story, with the boring bits left out. My story takes place in a raw and natural setting called Karrana, where a stunningly attractive young woman is ready to...
What I learnt from writing a novel…

What I learnt from writing a novel…

Before You Start… I don’t believe anyone just knows how to write a modern novel. There are theoretical questions before you even put pen to paper that a wannabe author needs to consider. Otherwise, you may end up with a hodgepodge of outpourings that...
To Plot or Not to Plot

To Plot or Not to Plot

 Planning or Not Planning So much has been said and written about this topic, that it is almost fruitless to comment. All you need do is Google the topic and you will find countless analyses of the benefits of plotting or “going by the seats of your pants”...
What is a Scene in a Novel?

What is a Scene in a Novel?

Definitions of a Scene  A scene is the smallest unit of narration. It is a story with a beginning, middle, and an end. One editor calls it the DNA of story. Cells of information shape the essence of a narrative, in which characters undertake actions in a vivid...