Hello and welcome … 2016

Hello and welcome … 2016

Hello to all my blog readers at the beginning of 2016, as the Year of the Goat (in Chinese Astrology) is coming to an end. And the Year of the Monkey is going to begin. I hope this year will be even better than the last one for you and yours. Here in the southern...
The Anna Karenina Principle

The Anna Karenina Principle

Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way(Leo Tolstoy 1878) Tolstoy’s Impact Tolstoy is a philosopher/narrator within his novel Anna Karenina.  He invites the reader to philosophize about happiness, as they read the doings, the...
Creativity and Mental Illness

Creativity and Mental Illness

I came across Nancy Andreason in 2014 while researching the brain of creative people, to assist me in writing the next chapter of my novel-in-progress: about a young gifted boy who suffers a traumatic brain injury. Creativity is also a theme in the novel. Nancy...
Print On Demand Publishing

Print On Demand Publishing

This morning, the postwoman brought my brother a first copy (from the printer in the UK) of They Sought the Last of Lands, which can be thought of as a companion volume to A Little Bit of Irish. He is more than satisfied with the results.  My brother writes, when...
To Publish Book or e-Book?

To Publish Book or e-Book?

I have been researching e-book and traditional book publishing for several years now, but I’m going to be lazy and share with you these points passed on to me by Andy McDermott, head of Publicious Publishing, http://www.publicious.com.au/, which I can highly...