by Anne Skyvington | Mar 4, 2024 | Guest Post, Writing Australia
Anne says: I’m reposting this today, as it is so very relevant to all of us as we age, and risk losing loved ones who are also ageing. My dear Grandma used to say how it’s those that are left who suffer, not the dying. And as Ian shows us, you can be...
by Anne Skyvington | Apr 20, 2023 | Guest Post, Travel
A Guest Post on The Art of Creative Writing website, this post written by Roger Britton How it all started We had been hosting Chinese students in our home for several years from our sister school in Jinan. Each one stayed with us for two years at a time attending...
by Anne Skyvington | Nov 23, 2022 | Guest Post, Writing Australia
How would you fare if, like Alan Parkes, you were sent to “Bourke and Beyond” to run a small school in your first year out of Teachers’ College? Anne Writes: This is a guest post by a fellow student from the Armidale Teachers’ College Class of...
by Anne Skyvington | Feb 18, 2022 | Guest Post, Writing Australia
This is a guest post by Gordon Forth, a fellow student at Armidale Teachers College, who started there in 1962, a year after me. Gordon writes: Please find attached my somewhat scurrilous account of my time at ATC. I really had a lovely time at College, but was...
by Anne Skyvington | Sep 23, 2021 | Guest Post, Writing Australia
by Ian Harry Wells (Wellsy) Armidale is a city of learning, being home to the first NSW Teachers’ College established outside of Sydney. The Armidale Teachers’ College is a heritage-listed (now former) tertiary college at 122–132 Mossman Street,...
by Anne Skyvington | Sep 22, 2021 | Guest Post, Writing Australia
What would you do, if you lost your long-term partner? How would you cope with the grief? My Armidale Teachers’ College classmate, Ian, writes about just this. Feel free to share your own experiences of loss in the comments, and we will get back to you....