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WRITING AS A SOLITARY ACT Let’s face it: Writing is often a solitary business but one that is worth every drop of blood that you shed as you lock yourself away in a room. For that reason, we all need strategies to help us stay with the creative task and manage...

Australian Poets

Judith Wright has been called ‘the conscience of the nation’ for her commitment to the environment and Aboriginal land rights. Nevertheless, it is for her poetry that she is best remembered, poetry which has helped shape Australia’s perception of...
Spiritual Poetry Through the Ages

Spiritual Poetry Through the Ages

MECHTHILD OF MADGEBURG: 1207-1282 Of all that God has shown meI can speak just the smallest word,No more than a honeybeeTakes on his footFrom an overspilling jar BASHO JAPAN: 1644 In Kyoto, Hearing the cuckoo I long for Kyoto Death-sick on my journey My dreams run out...
Women’s Liberation in the Seventies

Women’s Liberation in the Seventies

A Personal Journey The 1970s were a time of great change in Australia. This post is based on my memories of that time and the beginning of the Women’s Movement in Sydney, Australia. By 1972, the fledgling beginnings of a feminist movement were evident in...
For International Women’s Day:

For International Women’s Day:

What are the four waves of feminism? And what comes next? I have republished this article by Sharon Crozier-De Rosa from “The Conversation” under a Creative Commons license. Sharon Crozier-De Rosa, University of Wollongong In Western countries,...
Swimming Pools in Coogee

Swimming Pools in Coogee

The Mardi Gras festival for the Gay and Lesbian community (LGBTQ) occurred as usual in March, within stricter guidelines than in the past, because of Covid. Randwick Council showed great initiative in promoting a rainbow coloured walkway on the steps at Coogee Beach....
Mystical poems that I have loved…

Mystical poems that I have loved…

WILLIAM BLAKE The Tyger Tyger, Tyger, burning brightIn the forests of the night,What immortal hand or eyeCould frame thy fearful symmetry? In what distant deeps or skiesBurnt the fire of thine eyes?On what wings dare he aspire?What the hand dare seize the fire? And...
Some favourite poets in English

Some favourite poets in English

W. H. Auden: Stop the Clocks * Note the melodic iambic pentameter and internal rhymeStop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,Silence the pianos and with muffled drumBring out the coffin, let the mourners come.Let...