The Preface by Ian:

Aged over seventy and I fell in love, unexpected to say the least.  I will never forget the date; 31st October 2014, Halloween!  Is that prophetic?  More than twelve months have since passed and those feelings haven’t waned, they have intensified.  How to celebrate this situation?  After some thinking I came up with the following … I like to write, the language of love is poetry, the best love poems are sonnets, therefore I decided to attempt to create a love sonnet.  What follows is the outcome of that decision, written for my princess.


You are more precious than any gem to me,
Your smile shines brightly like the stars above,
Yet you quite outshine them as all can see.
You cause my heart to flutter from purest love,
I know I’ll be your slave all my days, uncaring,
When I’m with you my spirits uplift ecstatically.
We’ll romp in the sea together, do silly things, sharing,
We’ll sprinkle stardust with every splash, magically.
As when in my teens, (my first love I still revere),
Deliciously happy am I again, bewitched, truly sincere,
I’ve no shame or guilt, I have no regrets to condemn,
Unconditional love I feel, my pure love is your diadem.
We will hold hands, laugh, have fun and be beguiled,
A special bond I share with you, my sweet grandchild.

© Ian Harry Wells


Ian Wells and I attended Armidale Teachers College in the class of 1961-62 where we learnt how to inspire young people to attain knowledge in the classroom.

Our paths have met again, this time through our love of writing.

Ian lives with his family on the Central Coast of NSW